You may say, "Are you crazy? Autism is a blessing?" Over the years I have come to recognize that YES, autism has it's blessings: Fully appreciating the sacredness of life. The true meaning of unconditional love. Patience.(ok,so I am still working on this!) To never give up HOPE. To never give up & find strength you didn't know you had. The blessing of a unique little boy with a vibrant spirit and delightful squeal. Jacob, I am so BLESSED you are my son!

Friday, March 18, 2005

It's Raining...It's Pouring!

It all started out as the usual bath time routine. Jacob was pouring water out of a little plastic watering can, that doubled as a sandbox toy. Anyone who is familiar with Jacob knows of his love of music. (It never ceases to amaze me how so many autistic children are positively influenced by music. Jacob can pick up on new things so much faster if it is accompanied by a catchy tune! As his mother I have been known to come up with several of my own originals; undoubtedly a genetic trait passed on by my mother!.)

So I began to sing. “It’s raining, it’s pouring, the old man is snoring….” Little did I know that this would immediately top the charts of Jacob’s favorite song list! He’s been singing it ever since. And as I think about it, I could record the progress in his development through his ability to sing more and more of the words independently and more succinctly.

Nearly every time he speaks with any family member on the phone, his conversation starter is to say, “Eees raining eess pouurrreee.” And if you don’t continue on with the next line, he’s sure to repeat it for you.

Not only does this song tell a sweet story about Jacob, but it also provides quite a bit of symbolism as to some of the emotions a parent of an autistic child may feel. Some days are bright and sunny and full of hope. Others are cloudy and raining. And of course there are those days that are downright POURING down around you and you wish that you could just hide under the covers all day.

But no matter the weather, being Jacob’s mom has been a blessing- the most beautiful and precious of gifts. It is also quite humbling. That God has chosen ME (of all people!) to love, nurture, guide, protect this special and unique boy!


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